In his last post on the show, Catherine Thomas, from Cycle 18, once again spoke about the show. She was very honest in an interview after his elimination, this time talking about the winner and a very false person who used the words seem the same person. Check out:
"There was one person during the contest that I found really sneaky and had a game plan seriously, even bigger than I thought while I was in the competition and I realized after leaving the show how she was smart". "I mean, this person said that not everyone wanted to win the show or be labeled as "Top Model" ... and that person is going well in the competition and it is not as it seems on TV, of course they would not show. "
And more ...
"To be honest, I do not write about the end of season of "Top Model"... Even though the person who won the program will enjoy all the awards, I really believe that this person was extremely false and sneaky and I did not like the games she did with everyone, including me. I think that this person was, in my opinion ... We can say ... "Destined" to win from the beginning ... what was most apparent with the passage of weeks. Maybe it has broken the spirit of the people, since we can not forget that Kyle and Azmarie also considered giving up! "
Who do you think she was talking about? Contribute your information the comments!
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